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All channel Isolated/Universal input, Standalone Multi-Channel

Its compact size contains an isolated input system which ensures that signals are not corrupted by inputs to other channels, thus eliminating wiring concerns. The GL240s multi-type inputs are suitable for voltage, temperature, humidity, pulse, and logic signals, enabling combined measurements of different phenomena like temperature/humidity and voltage.

Voltage 20 mV - 100 V , 1-5 V/F.S.


Type: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, and W (WRe5-26)


0 to 100% RH- using the humidity sensor (option B-530)


4ch Rotation count (RPM), Accumulating count, Instant count

Logic 4ch




GL240 Analog input specifications

Item Description
Input method All channels isolated balanced input *13, Scans channels for sampling
Type of input terminal Screw terminal (M3 screw)
Voltage 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 V, and 1-5V F.S. (Full Scale)
Thermocouple Type: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, and W (WRe5-26)
Humidity 0 to 100 % RH - using the humidity sensor (option B-530)
Filter Off, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 (moving average in selected number)
accuracy *14
Voltage ± 0.1% of F.S. (Full Scale)
Type Measurement range
(TS: Temp Sense)
Measurement accuracy
R 0 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC ± 5.2 ºC
100 < TS ≤ 300 ºC ± 3.0 ºC
300 < TS ≤ 1600 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
S 0 ≤ TS ≤ 100 ºC ± 5.2 ºC
100 < TS ≤ 300 ºC ± 3.0 ºC
300 < TS ≤ 1760 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
B 400 ≤ TS ≤ 600 ºC ± 3.5 ºC
600 < TS ≤ 1820 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
K -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
-100 < TS ≤ 1370 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
E -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
-100 < TS ≤ 800 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
T -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.5 ºC)
-100 < TS ≤ 400 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 0.5 ºC)
J -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 ºC ± 2.7 ºC
-100 < TS ≤ 100 ºC ± 1.7 ºC
100 < TS ≤ 1100 ºC ± (0.05% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
N -200 ≤ TS < 0 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 2.0 ºC)
0 ≤ TS ≤ 1300 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.0 ºC)
W 0 ≤ TS ≤ 2000 ºC ± (0.1% of rdg. + 1.5 ºC)
R.J.C. ± 0.5 ºC
A/D converter Sigma-Delta type, 16 bits (effective resolution: 1/40000 of the measuring full range)
input voltage
(+) / (-) terminal
20 mV to 1 V range: 60 Vp-p,
2 V to 100 V range: 110 Vp-p
Channels ((-) / (-)) 60 Vp-p
Channel / GND 60 Vp-p
Max. voltage
Between channels 350 Vp-p (1 minute)
Channel / GND 350 Vp-p (1 minute)
The terminal "b" for using the RTD is connected each other across all channels.
Subject to the following conditions:
  • Room temperature is 23 oC ± 5 oC.
  • When 30 minutes or more have elapsed after power was turned on.
  • Filter is set to 10.
  • Sampling rate is set to 1 sec, using 10-channel.
  • GND terminal is connected to ground.
Wire size of thermocouple used is 0.32mm diameter in the T or K type and 0.65mm diameter in other types.
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Copyright © Speed Solution Group Ltd.,Part.
T:02-717-8168 to 9 F:02-717-8167